Dota 2 MapHack + LevelHack

Dota 2 Items Generator + Level&Gold Hack

I get many requests from Dota 2 fans, to create hacking tool. Here is it!
It’s Dota 2 Items Generator, with Gold and Level Hack.
Items Generator used to adding permanently clothes/weapons to your favourit heroes, whileLevel and Gold Hack used to hacking level and gold hack  in current game.
- Generating all items in Dota 2 by name ( good source of names of items is Dota Wiki)
- Built-in MapHack
- Adding Gold in current game (max is 10.000)
- Adding Level in current game ( max is 25)

MapHack (Built-in)

Alt + Tab easy Map Hack

Battle Point Add

Courier Generator (Each game resets!)

Download Dota 2 Hack 108 beta release:

mirror 1mirror 2mirror 3

15/03/2013 - 10 downloads, updated a new version!
01/04/2013 - 30 downloads! Going to add MapHack built-in!
23/04/2013 - 56+ downloads, Thanks! I think this is a final version!